This secure client area allows you to schedule appointments online, choose to receive appointment reminders and complete your paperwork online. It is also a way for us to communicate securely.
In order to register the first time, you will be asked to provide some information and sign an informed consent. You are not committing to coming in for a session.
You won't be able to schedule a consultation or a recurring session online. Please contact me directly for either of these. You can also contact me for appointments within 24 hours as these will not show up on the calendar. If you don't see times that work for you, let me know and I can keep an eye out for cancellations or might be able to move some things around.
Thanks for being here.
Please note: if you received an email with a temporary password, you are already in the system, so click "log in" below rather than "register" even though it is your first time :)
Log in to the secure portal.